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Embryo Transfer Procedure

At least two recipient mares will be synchronized with each donor mare.  The recipient mare can ovulate a day prior, the same day, or up to 3 days after the donor mare.  The donor mare is bred as close as possible to ovulation to increase the chances of fertilization.  Ovulation timing is also important in order to schedule the day and time for the embryo flush.  This should occur 7 to 8 days after ovulation.  During embryo recovery, several liters of a special solution are placed inside the donor's uterus and the flush is recovered through a special cup containing an embryo filter.  The filter allows separation of the embryo from the fluid recovered from the uterus.  The cup containing a small amount of this special solution is transferred into a search dish.  The dish is placed under the microscope and the embryo is searched.

Once the embryo is found and determined to be healthy, it is transferred to other dishes containing a holding solution.  The embryo is "washed out" of any debris.  The embryo is manipulated carefully and placed inside a special embryo transfer pipette.  The recipient mares that were synchronized with the donor are palpated and ultrasound performed to determine the recipient that best meets the criteria for the embryo transfer.  The embryo is deposited into the recipient mare's uterus.

Following the embryo transfer, the recipient starts receiving injectable progesterone.  The first pregnancy check occurs at 14 days (6 days after the embryo transfer, since the embryo was 8 days old at that time).  The recipient is then checked at 25 days for a heartbeat and again two weeks later. 


The embryo flush is performed 8 days post-ovulation of the donor mare.  The embryo is prepared and packed in the equitainer for same day shipment via counter-to-counter.  Please contact us for more details.  We have a video of the procedure on our Instagram account link.

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